Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Called...to Write

For as long as I can remember, I have been writing. Whether it was poems, stories, letters, short books for my kids, or starting adult books that I have never finished; I have been driven to create with my words. I have always told myself that writing is my personal creative outlet and that no one else would be interested. It's been like this secret life that I only share with a select few. Here I am in my 40's and I have never published a book, yet I have always secretly dreamed of it. I rarely, if ever, admit to people that I write, want to write, or dream of being a writer. I think I’ve been missing out on God's blessings here!

There are times in our lives that we feel we simply have to do something (even if we can't explain why); something gives us a sense that we are exactly where we are suppose to be.  I believe this is when we are on the right path and answering God's call on our lives. This is how I feel when I write...I feel right when I write. When I sit with my computer, iPad, pen and paper, or even my phone and begin creating with words, I have a sense of peace that is unlike other peaceful times I experience. The peace that comes from knowing I am doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing. When I tuck my writing away and don't share it, I lose that peace and start feeling silly; like I am wasting my time. I believe this is satan sneaking in and trying to stop me from answering God's call.

What holds me back from accepting His call? Self doubt? Probably! Lack of confidence? Certainly! Feeling like I am not qualified? Absolutely! I have written tons of stuff over my life, but rarely have I shared any of it. What if my self-doubt is robbing someone else of a blessing that God has for them and my writing could have been His tool. How selfish I am? Worrying about being a failure, or told I am not good enough, has robbed me, and possibly others of blessings God has for us.

That is heavy!

Don't misunderstand me here; it’s not that I believe my writing is so awesome that it could change someone's life. What I do believe is that God's plan for my life, if I follow it, can do miracles beyond my wildest imagination.

I slowly began to follow God's call to write and share when I started this Blog in September of 2014. I was nervous and certain no one would read it other than my friends and family; and I thought they would only read a few of my postings. I was almost embarrassed to tell people that I had a blog. Who was I to think people would care what I had to say? What I didn't plan on was how much I would love to write these posts and how much I would enjoy your comments and interaction. I find myself writing posts in my head constantly. It has been therapeutic and way more of a blessing to me than I ever imagined. I had no idea that I needed this creative outlet so much. I have loved watching the number of views on my blog grow and grow. All this time I had been thinking that I shouldn't share my writing because no one would be interested or blessed by it. The truth is, I was robbing myself of such a wonderful blessing I had no idea I needed.

Here we are beginning a New Year. A chance for a new beginning—a fresh start! A chance to make this year different than last year. A chance to answer the call of God on our lives, even if we have been ignoring it for years. As long as there is breath in my body, it is never too late answer God's call. God never stops calling us, even when we ignore or deny Him, He still keeps calling us till our final breathe. I have no concept of that level of patience, but I am certainly eternally grateful for it. So this year, I am going to focus on what God would have me do with writing. How He would have me use it or share it. I am scared, nervous, nauseous, and super excited to see what He has in store for me. What if this is just the beginning?

What is God calling you to do? What parts of you have you pushed to the back burner that need to come to the front? What is God calling you to do with the gifts and talents He has blessed you with? Don't let another year or even another day go by without answering that call. He is waiting to bless you!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

It Has Finally Happened

          We have waited 1,119 days and the day has finally arrived! We received our “Final Order of Adoption” for little miss sassy pants! So without further ado, let me introduce you to Elizabeth Faith Morris (we’ll call her Lizzy):

Her story is one of trials, abandonment, and loss; but also one of love, prayer, and lots-and-lots of faith. She has no idea what her story is yet; all she knows is that she has a family and is safe, loved, and wanted--every day.
            As I think about her story, I am struck by the power of family. We welcomed her completely into this family and she has flourished here. As a baby she would wake up in the middle of the night panicking, sweating, and crying. There was nothing I could do to calm her. The only thing I could offer her was my love, my embrace, and a whole lot of patience. I would hold her, rock her, and sing to her while she wiggled around trying to get closer to me. After much wrestling, she would finally relent and fall asleep in my arms, completely content and safe. I would hold her close a little longer and speak greatness into her as she slept. The amazing thing is that I am getting to watch that greatness grow in her and become a part of who she is.
            When Lizzy enters a room, people know it. I am pretty sure her personality enters before she does. She is a girly girl, but tough as nails. I always tell people that she is a bull in a china shop, but she is wearing a pink tutu and lipstick! She has no fear, but rarely ever wants to be very far from me. Her best day would involve the whole family being together, all day. She loves animals like no one I have ever seen…ALL animals. If you ask her what kind of animal she wants to have she will tell you “lots,” much to my husband’s dismay. If it were up to her (and maybe me), we would live on a farm with horses, chickens, dogs, bunnies, and maybe a cow or two.
            I cannot wait to see what God has in store for this little sassy spitfire of a girl. I know He will do great things in her and through her and I am blessed to have a front row seat. I am thankful for Jeremiah 29:11, “’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ’plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” This has been our family verse since the beginning of our foster care journey. It has carried us though some tough and trying times and brought us to blessings beyond our wildest dreams.
            Her best is yet to come!
The first day we met her, the day she moved into our hearts forever!

This is the definition of "Sassy"