At the end of each year, I reflect on the previous year and the lessons I learned. Then, I look forward to the new year and pray about what God would have me focus on for a fresh start. He graciously provides a word for me to hold close all year to help me focus on areas of growth and blessings. Some years I am exhilarated by the word I hear from Him, but every once in a while, the word leaves me breathless and downright fearful of what I may have to learn over the next 365 days. This year is one of those years for me!
The process I use for finding this word usually involves lots of writing, praying, searching God’s Word, and loudly singing praise songs that lift my spirits and make me feel closer Him. This year, however, was very different. God gave me my word before I had a chance to start the process; so of course, I dismissed it completely. Then, I struggled to get the process going again because that word simply would not shut up! Admittedly, I became more than a bit indignant with God about the whole situation. Telling Him He was doing this wrong and taking things out of order and He needed to get Himself together. As I am sure you can imagine, this did not work well for me.
After a few battles, I gave in and decided it would be wise to hear God out and seek His ways instead of mine. Genius, right? I swear I am no better than a 2-year-old having a tantrum sometimes. I wanted God to do it my way and just make me feel good about my word to inspire me to happiness and prosperity. There are times I really feel like I am maturing as a Christian; this was not one of them.
So, I gave in to God’s word; “self-discipline,” and started writing out my focus for the year. I immediately begin to think of the normal human self-disciplines like; eating healthier, exercising, getting organized, spending time with God every day, reading more, watching less tv, etc. My focus for 2019 read more like a list of self-improvement goals. God was quick to let me know that was not what He meant—but I was slow to listen (as usual).
During time with God each morning for the following week, I kept finding a common message which had more to do with my mind than my actions. It became painfully clear to me that God wasn’t asking me to focus on my physical disciplines, but instead to work on my mental and spiritual disciplines. I was both relieved and terrified at the same time. I took a break for a moment, got a couple of cookies (since I no longer had to work on my eating habits) and refocused my mind. I began praying that God would show me His ways and His plan. I was blown away with what was revealed.
So, I took my focus page for 2019 that was saved and made it a goals page instead; to best reflect this new meaning. Next, came a new focus page for 2019, again, directed by God. I normally don’t share my focus page with people as it is personal and between me and God, but I feel it is important to share here.
2019 Focus
· Marinate in God’s Word daily
o Spend time with God first.
o Read the Bible with the same enthusiasm I read social media.
· Manage my thought life
o I control my mind, it doesn’t control me.
o Feed my mind with God’s Word.
· Share God’s Word
o Reach out weekly to friends with life-giving Words
o Share the gospel and it’s love with all.
· Become who God has called me to be
o Seek my calling
o Give my whole self to my calling
· Be a better counsel for others
o Turn to God’s Word for help, not my own words.
o Guide people to God in their search for answers.
“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7 (AMP)
“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Philippians 4:8
Now, this is the kind of focus God wants me to have. Not that my health and wellness is not important, because it is, but it shouldn’t be the main focus in my life. I find that if my focus is on God and His will, the rest of my life seems to fall into place a lot better. Fighting against God’s will and His plan never gets me where I need to go. I sure wish I could keep that lesson at the forefront of my mind more often.
I am having a hared time leaving a comment. Checking to see if this works!