Monday, February 1, 2016

Genius Lost

So, last week I typed out two awesome and insightful blog posts. I mean these were amazing and probably could have changed the world as we know it, except for one small tiny detail…I didn’t actually save them! For the love! Who in the world is dumb enough to do something like that? Ummm…that would be this girl right here. I didn’t realize I hadn’t save them until I went to send them to my editor, aka my hubs, and couldn’t find them. I was devastated, broken, and sad that the world would never know my genius.
I am sure you are wondering why I can’t just retype my genius. Well, I am a mom of a 16 year old, a 12 year old, and a three year old, enough said. I had a brain before children, a good one actually, but my kids have slowly stolen bits and pieces of it over time. Then, a couple of years ago I had a full hysterectomy, and now…I am just plain stupid! I had no idea that my brainpower was attached to my uterus, but clearly it was. I am just amazed I remember who I am every day and remember to keep my children alive.
I decided since I clearly have no blog posts to share with you I would share my accomplishment with you instead. Some of you may remember my post about my dirty little secret. If you don’t remember it, I recommend you stop reading right now and go to “Secrets Revealed” and read it first so this will make sense. The wow factor will be lost on you if you don’t read it first. Go ahead, we will wait right here for you.
Ok, glad you are back. Are you ready for my big reveal? Drum roll please…

Yes, I have cleaned filed, and put away that mountain of paperwork and miscellaneous items we were hiding under my desk. It took me almost a whole day to go through it all and put it away. Oh, and chase all the squirrels and rabbit trails that appear when a person is going through paperwork and files. I learned things about my children, my husband, and myself I didn’t even know. I am just thankful I didn’t find any unpaid bills, but slightly disappointed I didn’t find my lost brain cells hiding in there. Perhaps a million dollar check that I had overlooked would have been a nice find as well. Alas I found no such joy hiding in my pile of filing. I did find a Wonder Woman patch that I had apparently ordered last spring that I now plan to iron on some bloomers for my little miss sassy pants, so there is that!

At this point I would love to tell you that I have mended my ways and am now an avid filer and sorted. I have seen the error of my ways and have turned myself around for the good of the miscellaneous paper and the sanity of my husband. Sadly, however, this is not to be so. My end box is piling up as we speak and staring me in the face as I type. This is why I am blogging about filing instead of actually doing it. It’s not that I am procrastinating or avoiding per say, it’s just that I am approaching the situation from another angle, yeah, that’s it! I need prayer! Jesus needs to come save me from myself and my disdain for filing! If any of you love to file, I will cook for you while you file my mess!

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