Monday, March 5, 2018

God Stories

So here is the question: What do you do when God’s promise is not delivered on your timeline?

Here is the situation: God called my husband and I to plant a church called Texas Grand Chapel in the Conroe, Texas area. In obedience, we started looking for a very specific piece of property to call home. Well, we found it and put an offer on a house there and it has been accepted. Our closing is set for April 4th, which means we need a contract on our current home by March 4th for the closings to match up—or we risk losing the house in Conroe and the earnest money paid in good faith. For those of you following along, that was yesterday! I do not know all the steps necessary to make God’s plan happen, nor the order in which He has them planned, but I do know He made us a promise and I believe He will follow through just like He always does.

That wonderful faith statement aside, I find myself sitting here, wondering what is going to happen, why is God requiring us to wait, why does this have to be so hard, and is my faith strong enough to withstand this? Steve and I truly and fully believe the house in Conroe is being provided by God. We have been praying for this house. We prayed for God to give us a house we can use for ministry; not just a place to live. We prayed for a home where we can host lots of people. We prayed for a home to start the church in. We prayed for a location with enough space to build a home for my parents so we can care for them as they age. We prayed for a pool and many baptisms to happen in it. We prayed for our home to be more than we could ever imagine. Let me tell you, the house God brought us to in Conroe is all of that and more!

In times of change and uncertainty I rely heavily on faith. My approach is, “I have to do all the possible and let God handle the impossible.” I rarely waver from this stance. If something feels impossible to me I generally feel a sense of relief because then I know it is not my responsibility…one less thing on my plate, if you know what I mean. Now, if left alone, I can contently remain in this faithful place. However, how many of you know that the devil never leaves me alone in that place. He surrounds me with noise, doubtful comments, nay-sayers, and unbelievers. I have been doing a pretty good job of turning off the noise and turning on God instead, but as time has past, my strength is growing weary. My faith is still strong, but my flesh is weak.

I walked into church yesterday with a little anger about our situation. I was trying my best to stuff it deep down and continue to pretend I was sitting in the faithful place I had been in. You know, fake it till you make it! Before walking into service some of our friends walked in the door and we greeted them with big hugs and smiles. They are missionaries in Ethiopia and just returned to the United States for a seven-week visit. We began to tell one of them about our situation and he immediately grabbed our hands and prayed over us and our situation. Once again God proved He knows just what I need, just when I need it, and He will provide. I immediately felt the burden lift and went to find a seat before service began. Then the music started and I was wrecked! The first song was “King of My Heart” and tears immediately began flowing. The second song was a new one to me; “Greater Things,” by Mack Brock. I sang this one through tears and snot bubbles—I was a hot mess! Then came, “Do It Again.” By this point I didn’t even care how bad I must look and sound, I was singing with all I had in me. God knew I needed strength and encouragement and He gave it to me through song!

Now, if that wasn’t enough, the message just put the bow on top! Pastor Steven Yoes brought it home yesterday with a powerful message! One of the scriptures he shared was Joshua 1:9…

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

He said we may feel fear and discouragement, but that doesn’t mean we have to be ruled by them. Even courageous people experience the feeling of fear, they just don’t get lost in it, or stuck there. Here is the deal; God has already been to the places He is calling us, He knows each step we must take because He has taken them first. I just have to trust His ways and His time.

So, back to the first question; What do you do when God’s promise is not delivered on your timeline?

Well, you keep marching! God’s timeline is rarely the same as mine because I am human and I set my timeline by human standards and He is God; who operates in a timeless economy. He created time and it is in His control. I must face my fear and faithfully walk on! I must refocus on my belief that I only have to do the possible, and let God handle the impossible. I can’t do God’s job, so it is better if I stop trying. He is writing an amazing story with our lives, I just have to keep reading.

So, stay tuned for the rest of this amazing God-story, that is being written with our lives and the life of Texas Grand Chapel, which we will be planting in the Conroe area within the next year. To God be the Glory for all He is doing in and through us!

God, today is my birthday, by the way…I’d like an offer on the house as a gift! ;-)

Here are some pictures of the new house...the backyard is heaven on earth!

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