Friday, May 13, 2016

Menopause is Like Being Drunk

Have you ever known anyone who is an angry drunk? What about that person who loves everyone after a few drinks? How about that person who cries after a couple of glasses of wine? Or, perhaps you are one of those people who have no experience with drunkenness, but I bet you have been around someone after surgery or procedure that act emotionally while on pain medications. Imagine now that all of those people are trapped inside of one person and they are constantly battling to get out. Then, from time to time, they all escape at the same time and pour out and attack poor unsuspecting souls that happen to cross their path.
Hi, my name is Stacy, and that person is me!
I have been around emotional drunk people as well as emotional medicated people. This is what I know to be true; whatever emotion they are feeling is forced upon everyone around them, whether they like it or not. These emotions do not have to make sense to anyone, not even the person  experiencing them.They are so strong and out of control they just burst out onto the scene and bludgeon people at will.
Before I disclose my own issues and embarrassment, I feel it necessary to embarrass my family first. When my oldest son was a freshman he broke his hand during the warm-ups before a football game. He proceeded to play the entire game, on the line, both sides of the ball, without disclosing how bad his hand was hurting. Needless to say, it took surgery to fix his hand. When he came out of surgery I was there waiting for him. He looked up at me tenderly, grabbed my hand gently, stared deep into my eyes and said, “Mom, I really need a pair of Indian pants. Please mom!” He was so upset when I immediately and uncontrollably began snort laughing at his request.
Ok, one more story. My husband is mildly claustrophobic, so MRI’s are not his friend. Sadly he has spine and shoulder issues that have required him to endure several of these in recent years. In order to survive these moments of torture, the doctor prescribes him some medication to relax him and take the edge off. This means he requires a designated driver for these glorious events, which is me. On the way to these appointments he can be crabby—but don’t tell him. Once we get to the office he is immediately given the medication he needs. Within 15 minutes he is so very in love with me and believes everyone in the office should know about it. I become his favorite and clearly the most awesome person he has ever met. He tells anyone in ear shot how lucky he is to have me. He looks at me like he did on our wedding day. For some reason the doctors refuse to allow him to take these pills every day; believe me, I have asked.
Well, now about me. I had to have a hysterectomy a few years ago, so I have the joys of instant menopause in my 40’s while trying to raise a teenager, a tween, and a toddler…pray for them! Though I am super duper happy with the decision to have this procedure done, there are a few drawbacks. I have hot flashes, strange weight fluctuations, and many times have zero control over my emotions. Not only do I have no control over them, but they can at times altogether come rushing at me all at once with no warning at all. This is the kind of day I am having today!
Let me give you some quick peeks into my morning. Just to keep this into perspective, as I type this, it is not even 10:00am. To start, I homeschool my middle son. He struggles to stay focused and on task most days so he can complete his work. There are certain assignments I give him to do on his own while I am downstairs so he can work on keeping himself focused without me there by his side. I will holler up to him from time to time to give him gentle reminders to focus and stay on task. So today I hear him clearly not doing his work for the 20th time and I angrily holler up to him, “Tony, you better get back on task and get your work done...” By now I am crying, “…mommy wants you to learn so you can be smart, and get a job, and be a respectable adult that contributes to society.” And now I begin laughing, “Just get your work done!” A few minutes pass and I notice him looking over the balcony at me while I sit at my desk. I look up at him and he timidly asks, “Mommy, are you ok?” Bless his little heart! I will just chalk this up to husband training and remember to tell his future wife she can thank me for that!
After the crazy emotion of that moment I decide to make myself one of my all time favorite meals. Let me describe this crazy deliciousness to you:
·      Multi colored tomatoes, chopped
·      Seedless cucumber, chopped
·      Fresh basil, oregano, and parsley, chopped
·      Baby spinach leaves, chopped
·      Feta cheese
·      Parmesan, shredded
Mix all ingredients in a bowl and set aside. Slice and lightly toast sour dough bread. Lightly butter bread and top with heavenly mixture from above. Top with grated pepper jack cheese, drizzle with avocado oil and put back in the broiler until cheese melts. Remove from oven and brace yourself for a level of addictive goodness that you will now have to have every week!
So, after removing this deliciousness form the oven I sit down at the table to devour it completely.  As I begin to eat I become overwhelmed with the awesomeness of this scrumptious meal and begin to cry. This emotion quickly turns into laughter at how ridiculous I am being, which turns into me choking on my remarkable meal and fearing for my life.
I need a nap!
Some days I am convinced I need a padded room and perhaps a straight jacket. Then I go grocery shopping and am reminded of what isle I no longer have to shop on, can I get an amen; and I feel it is an even trade. This is my life that I gladly and unashamedly share. I hope that my hot mess of a life makes you feel better about your day. It might be a good idea to fervently pray for all of those who are forced to come in contact with me on a daily basis. Like sands through the hour glass, so are the emotions in my day…or minute, the way this day is going.

 * I jog to help keep my sanity, but sometimes my menopausal brain takes over and I do things like pay money to run through mud and muck with my sister! I cannot be trusted to make these kinds of decisions!

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